
Stella is a truly receptive professional therapist who has helped me work through sticky situations while providing non-judgmental and honest feedback. She has guided me to view situations from different perspectives that helped bring better understanding and clarity moving forward. She is very attentive, great listener, and extremely kind. Highly recommend her.


Super empathetic, positive and supportive! Stella makes you feel like someone is on your side. You can tell that she really cares about what she's doing and that she wants to help!


Super positive experience! Stella is an amazing therapist, very professional, empathic and kind. I would highly recommend her services.


An incredible human being with a heart of goal. Stella is a fantastic clinician and will make you feel at ease immediately. Highly recommend counseling with her!


Very warm hearted and welcoming therapist, i feel safe and comfortable. Thank you !!


Excellent therapist. Helped me with numerous issues and believe me I have a few 😊. Very caring and understanding! Highly recommend!


Stella is an amazing therapist! I recommend her to anyone seeking therapy. She is understanding and has a wonderful personality! I feel so comfortable around her😊


Stella is so kind, caring and attentive. She's guiding with care and always so helpful in any way possible. She's phenomenal to counsel with and always tried to make you feel as comfortable as possible.


Amazing experience, I feel comfortable and welcome. Would definitely recommend, Stella has helped me through so much. So grateful I found the right person. Thank you!



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